April 27, 2010

The Princess and her Court

Me & Cooper

Saturday I had the pleasure of working with Cami, Carlee and Cooper again. Not only that but we also had a very special senior girl, Gertie.

Cami was quite the different dog this week. She was playful and sassy! It is clear that she is really feeling better. Must be all that lovin' from her Momma, the fantastic food, excellent vet care and a healthy dose of Tellington TTouch.

She has the most beautiful ears for doing Ear Touches!

Here she is modeling a special body wrap for the tiny types. Please say a big prayer for this special girl. Tomorrow she goes back to the doctor where they will draw fluid from her joints to see if she is in remission.

Obviously this is an uncomfortable procedure but the body wrap and the touches made her so relaxed that her Mom is going to see if the wrap alone is enough too avoid having her sedated. The less meds for this little one, the better.

Tonight I made Cami her very own little wrap and dyed it purple for her. Hopefully it will make her procedure a little more comfortable.

Here Cami enjoys her TTouches while Cooper makes sure he is next in line.

Gertie is a lady of a certain age. What age we really aren't certain and besides a lady never tells her age. Although Gertie has no vision it really doesn't seem to bother her much. She walks slowly and very gently bumps into things, adjusts her path and off she goes again.

The main problem Gertie has is a tumor on her neck. You can see it quite clearly in this photo.

Her Mom has taken her for treatment and learned the risks of surgery outweigh the benefits. Like Cami, Gertie is on a specially prepared diet for cancer patients. The tumor itself is not terribly large and it does not impact her breathing or cause her any pain. What you see in the picture is the blood and fluid that surround the tumor.

I showed Lee Anne how to do Raccoon Touches all around the area to reduce the fluid in that area and call upon the body to address the issue as only one's body can do. The touches are done very lightly.

Today I had an update from Lee Anne that the area is not nearly as tight as it was on Saturday! Fantastic news for this sweet little girl.

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