January 8, 2011


Remember Aurora?  She is doing really well and is making small improvements all the time.  She still spins but not nearly as bad and is quite capable of walking straight to get a toy or to chase a ball.  Problem is if she isn't focused on something she puts her head down and spins.  Today I put a head wrap on her and the change was a bit more than remarkable.  Not only does she look adorable in her little had but she held her head up and ran and played without spinning. 

We are continuing to try lots of different options to get her to walk straight on a lead.  But off lead with a head wrap she's pretty much got it!

Felipe the beautiful blind Boxer boy made it to adoptions!  But his stay there was very short.  He wasn't adopted but the next best thing.  Felipe made it into a rescue specifically for Boxer dogs!  Not only that but when I arrived at the shelter today I saw the gentleman that was coordinating his transfer to a foster home in Los Angeles and we had a chance to chat. Seems Felipe will be fostered by an older couple that are home a lot of the time.  They have Boxer experience but not blind Boxer experience.  As we chatted I shared how well he reacted to my "Beep-Beep" technique.  This info will be passed on to his new foster home.


Also remember the little Puggle that was abandoned in a cardboard box?  Well his new name is Rascal and he is available for adoption! 

All good stuff.

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