Last night as I looked through the photos of dogs at the shelter and was trying to see if anyone "reached out to me" did. I saw this face and immediately started paving the way to work with this dog.
This is Jack. He is a 3 month old Pit Bull puppy. In Jack's short life he has seen more violence than anyone ever should. Here is a list of the issues he has:
- Fractured skull
- Old, improperly healed fracture to his front right leg
- Left eye pushed back into his head
- Huge Abscess on his face under his eye
- Scars that appear that the left side of his face was all but removed
- Countless old scars

The pictures I took of Jack are very poor. My beloved Nikon is feeling sick and was not my trusty companion today. Add to that the fact that Jack won't come out of his crate and go outside with me and he is housed in a darkened area of the shelter - this is the best I can do.
You can see the lump on the left side of his face and that is the abscess.
Nicole, one of the medical staff, will be taking him home with her and keeping him a few days. Early next week he will be evaluated and at minimum will have his left eye removed and the abscess dealt with. As you can see from the paws he will be a BIG boy when he grows up. I don't know that they plan to re-break the leg and fix it but you can see it is a mess.
Nicole will be fostering Jack after his surgery and as agreed to have me work with him and assist in his recovery. I'll be approaching another shelter friend of mine that will be doing long term foster for him and see if I can continue working with him after he moves to her.
Jack will need help learning to trust. He needs his self confidence built up and his fears put to rest. Jack will need to learn to balance that big 'ol body he will be growing and TTouch can help with all of this.
I have visions of this beautiful boy walking the labyrinth, stepping over the poles of the star, walking the balance beam and weaving through cones - all with a smile on his face.
Please send your warm wishes and prayers for his speedy and complete recovery - physically and emotionally.
This loving, precious, amazing, adorable little boy deserves all the good this world has to offer.
Today I also learned that little Pinky, the frightened dog I worked with a couple weeks ago was lost to a Parvo outbreak at the shelter. Rest in Peace little one. You no longer have to be afraid of anything.
Before you start to think that volunteering at the shelter is a big downer I have to share that a very special boy, Charlie, started his new life with a family that loves him today!
Not every day at the shelter is a walk in the park. Sometimes there is anger, rage or painful tears. But the Pollyanna in me always sees the bigger picture.
- Jack is surrounded by people that love him and will take care of him. He will see more tenderness than ever before. He will grow to be happy and healthy in body and spirit. Someone will be very blessed to welcome him into their lives
- Little Pinky is at peace and no longer afraid of the world
- Charlie has a home
- And I will find someone to fix my dear friend, Nikon