December 11, 2009

Marley's First TTouch Session Post Surgery

Tonight Steve and I visited Marley in the hospital. He looked really good for all he has been through the past couple days.

He was taken outside today to see if he could stand on his own and if he could urinate by himself. So far he cannot stand on his own. The staff supported him and started putting some weight on his feet. They did have to use a little bit of pressure to get him to start emptying his bladder but once things started he was able to finish on his own. We are encouraged that he is close to being able to go potty by himself!

At this point he has no interest in food. He has not eaten in the last two days at all. The doctor says they don't even start to get concerned about not eating until after 5 days. Thankfully he is getting nutrition via an IV.

Steve offered Marley licks of baby food from his finger and he did take a tiny amount.

Then it was time for some TTouch. Marley will be getting many short sessions a day. Tonight was the first.

We did some Abalone touches...

....Some Raccoons to try to bring about the body's healing fluids...

...and some Ear work to help regulate his breathing.

When I first started working with Sam from the shelter I used distance work ("Phantom Touches") since I couldn't touch his wounds. I used that technique on Marley tonight since I was unable to actually touch his incision area.

It was when I reached this point on his back that he twitched.

The plan is for me to split my time between working in the office and working at home next week so I can give Marley TTouch throughout the day. Steve already had Christmas & New Years week off so he will be he primary care giver then.

So Steve needs to be comfortable doing TTouch on Marley also.

Judging by how relaxed Marley looks I'd say Steve is doing a great job!

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