August 29, 2009

Sydney - Client Case Study - A pulling dog

Meet Sydney!

Isn't she beautiful? She just turned 1 year old and weighs 142 (shhhh, don't tell her I told her weight).

The only issue with Sydney is she pulls and lunges on her lead.....Or she lays down and refuses to budge. Her poor Momma has scarred up knees like you wouldn't believe.

Here Sydney is resting in the shade and not one bit interested in walking through the star with me.

Turns out I need serious work on my leashing and ground work. Sounds like a match made in Heaven.

So today, in record breaking heat, I head to meet Terri and Sydney for the first session of my new Case Study. I arrive with tools in hand, full of hope & optimism....and a bunch of notes on what I should and should not do.

There are things like:

  • Don't look at the dog....look forward and move forward

  • Leave the leash loose and hanging in a "J" (Kinda hard to do with a tall dog)

  • Stroke the lead if they won't go

    Seem to be having some trouble stroking the lead

    I even resorted to begging...

  • And above all, don't get into a pulling match

Well, all I can say is I tried. Thankfully Terri took a bunch of pictures because I really though things went quite a bit better than they actually did.

But we were NOT without our glimmers of hope.

I think I see the start of a "J"

And this is a little better too.

But the best part was I made a new friend today and the rest will come in time.

She even told me she wants me to come back next Saturday and try again.

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